October 1, 2024

Ethics & Boundaries: Legal and Professional Standards in Mental Health (2 Part Training Series)

Ethics & Boundaries: Legal and Professional Standards in Mental Health (2 Part Training Series)

Cont. Ed:  Ethics & Boundaries: Legal and Professional Standards in Mental Health

Please Note: This is a two-part series: Tuesday, October 1st, and Tuesday, November 5th

Date/Time (2 Parts)
Part 1:
Tuesday, October 1, 2024 / 10 am to 12 pm
Part 2: Tuesday, November 5, 2024 / 10 am to 12 pm

Cost: $60 per session.
SAVE! Register for Parts 1 & 2 for $100!
Part 1 / $60:
Click HERE
Part 2/ $60:
Click HERE
Part 1 & 2/ $100:
Click HERE

 Dr. David Mays, MD, PhD
Venue:  Zoom
2.0 CE Hours Each Session (NBCC/ACEP Approved #6760

Training Description:
Part 1:
Dr. Mays will present on informed consent, the right to refuse treatment, and involuntary treatment.
Part 2: Dr. Mays will address confidentiality, dangerousness, and boundaries.

All mental health professional organizations have standards defining ethical practice. These include guidelines about boundaries, principled decision-making, and professional behavior. At times, the government also weighs in, setting certain legal requirements that mental health professionals must adhere to. Sometimes,these standards are consistent with professional standards (confidentiality.) Sometimes, they add new expectations (Tarasoff duties.) And sometimes they conflict (conscience clauses.) This workshop is about the relationship between legislative and professional ethical and practice standards. In this context, we will investigate the following legal principles: informed consent, confidentiality, right to refuse treatment, and dual agency (duty to protect, communications with third parties.)

At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:

1)   Identify the basic components of informed consent, confidentiality, and the right torefuse treatment
2)   Describe the difference between a privacy standard and a confidentiality standard
3)   Describe the duty to protect and Wisconsin law regarding a Tarasoff duty
4)   Assess themselves for risks of boundary crossings and ask for consultation if necessary


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