Family Preservation Program (FPP)

Since 1994, the Family Preservation Program has helped to keep families together and to keep children out of foster care.

About the Family Preservation Program

The Family Preservation Program (FPP) is a short-term, intensive, in-home service designed to keep families with children ages 0-12 years together safely, and reduce the need for out-of-home placements. This is done by providing intensive, skill-based services to families working with Dane County Child Protective Services (DCCPS) and at risk of their children being removed from the home.

Our Services

  • Assessment: Initial risk/needs assessment completed collaboratively with the family
  • Case Management: Case management to include hands on teaching, modeling and demonstrating specific life skills (i.e., social, household, parenting, etc.)
  • Brief Therapy: Brief therapeutic interventions using Motivational Interviewing (MI), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and strength-based skill development.

Program Goals

  • Increase protective factors and prosocial skill sets for families and children.
  • Provide services to Keep families together.
  • Teach practical life skills through coaching, brief, therapeutic interventions and hands-on demonstration/modeling.
  • Instill hope and evoke positive change in families.

FPP Staff Will

  • Reduce stigma associated with involvement in behavioral health systems and mental health/substance use disorders.
  • Provide culturally competent, trauma-informed services.
  • Encourage autonomy, independence, and self-determination.
  • Work collaboratively with families to reduce practices that encourage immediate gratification, enabling behaviors, and maladaptive coping mechanisms.

Contact Information

For more information about our Family Preservation Program, please call  608-280-2520.

Julia Persike, Team Leader (Monday – Friday)

•Anya Armbrust, FamilySpecialist (Monday – Thursday)

•Rikki Garcia,Family Specialist (Tuesday – Friday)

Learn More About Our Clinic-Based Services!

About the Family Preservation Program

The Family Preservation Program (FPP) is a short-term, intensive, in-home service designed to keep families with children ages 0-12 years together safely, and reduce the need for out-of-home placements. This is done by providing intensive, skill-based services to families working with Dane County Child Protective Services (DCCPS) and at risk of their children being removed from the home.

Our Services

  • Assessment: Initial risk/needs assessment completed collaboratively with the family
  • Case Management: Case management to include hands on teaching, modeling and demonstrating specific life skills (i.e., social, household, parenting, etc.)
  • Brief Therapy: Brief therapeutic interventions using Motivational Interviewing (MI), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and strength-based skill development.

Program Goals

  • Increase protective factors and prosocial skill sets for families and children.
  • Provide services to Keep families together.
  • Teach practical life skills through coaching, brief, therapeutic interventions and hands-on demonstration/modeling.
  • Instill hope and evoke positive change in families.

FPP Staff Will

  • Reduce stigma associated with involvement in behavioral health systems and mental health/substance use disorders.
  • Provide culturally competent, trauma-informed services.
  • Encourage autonomy, independence, and self-determination.
  • Work collaboratively with families to reduce practices that encourage immediate gratification, enabling behaviors, and maladaptive coping mechanisms.

Contact Information

For more information about our Family Preservation Program, please call  608-280-2520.

Julia Persike, Team Leader (Monday – Friday)

•Anya Armbrust, FamilySpecialist (Monday – Thursday)

•Rikki Garcia,Family Specialist (Tuesday – Friday)

Learn More About Our Clinic-Based Services!

Service Overview

Sharing the path from hope to recovery. We provide innovative health, wellness, and recovery services for individuals and familes.